Melanie Carroll
Me? a bit of a cycle chimp so mostly friendly and amusing... Cycle to work most every day, and love to cycle even in the rain. In fact loves to cycle in the rain - it's just really fun, but then so is cycling in the sun, or in a gentle breeze but not when it's blowing a gale! Short rides are lovely and long rides are a dream, but I'm not a speed racer as I love to enjoy the view with a fair few stops for pictures and refreshments too.
Riding a sit up and beg bike but can't pull off that Copenhagen cycle chic they talk about.
I love to cycle and I really hope that I can share that love with lots of other people too!
My day to day cycle commute takes me to my Independent bookshop - Unicorn Tree Books in Lincoln Central Market - and I'm as passionate and committed to books and community as I am to cycling.