Cycling UK Lincolnshire AGM 2023
The following officers were elected as Committee Members for 2023-2024:
1. CHAIR: Tim Newbery
2. SECRETARY: Andrew Townhill
3. TREASURER: Melanie Carroll
2. SAFEGUARDING OFFICER: Trevor Halstead and Daniel Nicholson
1. CAMPAIGNS OFFICER: Melanie Carroll
3. COVID-19 OFFICER: Tim Newbery
Geoff Garner and Frances Kelly
1. PRESIDENT(Honorary): Trevor Halstead
2. AUDITOR (Honorary): Jim Brennan
Cycling UK rules require us to have a minimum of three people on our committee. There are also three obligatory roles.
Additional roles can be added as we see fit.
Cycling UK Lincolnshire's current committee structure is comprised of the positions below:
Chair (obligatory position)
The duties of a Chair shall include the following:
To preside at each meeting of the Committee and (if the Group Rules so provide) at the Annual General Meeting;
To facilitate the efficient and correct conduct of the meetings as laid out in the Policy Handbook for Cycling UK.
Chairs are responsible for ensuring compliance with Cycling UK’s legal obligations and organisational policies and this now includes ensuring the group or area are following Cycling UK's GDPR guidance and are compliant with the GDPR.
Secretary (obligatory position)
The duties of a Secretary shall be to:
To convene General Meetings in accordance with these regulations;
To call a special meeting of the Group Committee upon receipt of a requisition signed by at least one third of its members;
To prepare minutes of all Committee meetings
To act as a point of contact between the Group and representatives of any Informal Member Groups connected to the main Group;
To act as a point of contact for Cycling UK members on the Cycling UK website and in ‘Cycle’ magazine.
Secretaries handle local membership data and so must be particularly aware of GDPR regulations.
Treasurer (obligatory position)
It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to:
To hold and account for the monies collected in the name of the Group;
To prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts for audit and presentation to any Groups who have opted to share accounting procedures;
To complete an annual Subscription Allocation Claim and submit it to the Finance Manager at Cycling UK National Office;
To submit a claim for Special Allocation Funding if required by the Group.
To hold and account for the monies collected in the name of the Group; prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts for audit and presentation to the Group. The Statement shall include: a list of Group assets with current values; and summaries of the accounts of any Groups who have opted to share accounting procedures;
There are also a number of obligatory roles:
Registration Officer (obligatory role)
The Registration Officer receives details of Cycling UK members who:
Live within certain postcode areas selected by the Member Group; and
Those full Cycling UK members who have chosen to be listed with that Group.
The Registration Officer must adhere to the Cycling UK Data Protection Policy on handling and using Cycling UK membership information. The information within the membership lists is to be used for the purpose of marketing Cycling UK events and related information only. A Registration Officer has enhanced responsibilities under the GDPR to manage data securely and safely. The Registration Officer is usually nominated to create and maintain the “Managing personal data” template.
Safeguarding Officer (obligatory role)
The duties of the Safeguarding Officer are as follows:
To be accessible to members to help them in addressing issues such as complaints against individuals; the protection of vulnerable adults and children; and issues of discrimination;
To monitor compliance with policies related to this area, such as Cycling UK’s Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy and Cycling UK’s Young Person’s Participation Policy. Welfare Officers should familiarise themselves with Cycling UK’s Complaints, Disputes and Disciplinary Procedures in the event of any disputes;
It is recommended that the Safeguarding Officer role is not fulfilled by the Secretary.
Promotions/Publicity Officer (obligatory role)
The duties of the Promotions/Publicity Officer are as follows:
To comply with the Objects of Cycling UK Groups, in as much as each Group must have the capacity to promote Cycling UK and the activities of the Member Group;
To initiate promotional activities. These might include: press, publications, websites and attendance at local and national events.
Information and advice for all the roles can be found in Cycling UK's 'TOOLKIT'
Campaigns Officer (encompassing Cycle Advocacy Network and 'Space For Cycling')
Further information can be obtained HERE and HERE
Diversity And Inclusion Champion
Further information can be obtained HERE
Covid-19 Officer
Further information can be obtained HERE
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Full details of Cycling UK's policy on GDPR can be found HERE
As a Full Member Group, Cycling UK Lincolnshire follows the guidelines contained in the
Handbook For Cycling UK Member Groups as our constitution.
The Cycling UK Lincolnshire Annual General Meeting took place on Sunday 30th April 2023,
at Fiskerton Village Hall, Ferry Rd, Fiskerton, Lincoln LN3 4HW.
Member's Name: Tim Newbery. Membership Number: 7015046.
MOTION. To expand Cycling UK Lincolnshire Formal Member Group Committee.
Additional officer's position: Representatives from the Formal Member Group's 'General Membership' (maximum 2 positions).
Background: Additional elected committee members (maximum 2), outside of the mandatory roles and positions, would attract wider support and participation to the benefit of the Formal Member Group.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Many thanks to Andy Townhill for organising the 2023 Cycling UK Lincolnshire AGM.
A great turnout with nearly 20 members attending.
Tim Newbery gave an introduction and summarised the previous year's activities:
On a sad note, we learned recently of the passing of Muriel Ryder. She had been an active member of the Group and involved in the Easy Riders Section, Lincoln from the Spring of 1988. Condolences to her family.
Following the lifting of all Covid-19 restrictions, a full programme of activities has been able to go ahead across the Member Group. Members have shown great support in all aspects of Cycling UK’s work and has been much appreciated.
In May 2022, we were finally able to hold the DA’s Anniversary. Delayed by 2 years due to Covid-19, it never the less was a great occasion, held at The White Hart Ludford where the DA was formed in 1930.
In June 2022, Cycling UK Gainsborough under Trevor Halstead’s stewardship organised a number of events for Cycling UK’s Bike Week including a Charity Ride in aid of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance. From sponsorship, donations and additional monies from selling donated cycles, a grand total of £1050 was raised and presented to the charity on a special evening in December 2022. Quite an achievement.
Cycling UK Lincolnshire was also able to run two Audax events, both of which were the ‘Lincoln Imp’. The first held on 3rd September 2022 saw 45 riders enjoy the hilly route whilst providing £45 for the Member Group. The second held on 15th April 2023 had 67 entrants sign up for the event. Congratulations to Andy Townhill for organising the Audax rides and to his team of helpers.
With regard to Campaigning, it’s once again been a busy year, Melanie Carroll attending and participating in a number of forums, presentations and events. Melanie is a passionate campaigner and continues her volunteering across many positions including Cycling UK’s Cycle Advocacy Network. Tim and Andy were also able to attend and report back on the North Hykeham Relief Road presentations.
Cycling UK’s values aim to guide us in our day to day working and long-term planning and underpin our vision of a healthier and cleaner world because more people cycle. Cycling UK Lincolnshire welcomes current and would be volunteers and with invitations to this year’s AGM reaching over 260 members, hopefully we’ll gain new support.
We look forward to a busy and successful year ahead across Lincolnshire, with a full programme of rides and events. The 100th anniversary of Bike Week is just one highlight. Volunteers’ Week runs from 1st – 7th June 2023 and special thanks go to Barry Jordan for his tireless work as the Committee’s Treasurer over the last TEN years. Barry is standing down and we wish him a happy retirement from his duties.
Opening balance £2423.68
5/10/22 Imp Audax Income £55.00
28/5/22 Member Group Anniversary Expenditure £72.00
30/08/22 Foot Paths Membership and Cup Engraving Expenditure £30.00
7/11/22 Fiskerton Hall Rent Expenditure £200
14/1/23 2 years WIX website fees £160.06
Balance 25th March 2023 £1961.62
Net loss £462.06
CAMPAIGNS REPORT by Melanie Carroll:
Award Presentation:
Awarded to the person(s) who(m) in the eyes of the Member Group committee has (have) contributed significantly to the running of the Member Group and its activities in the past year.
Presented to Trevor Halstead for his continued involvement, commitment and promotion of the member group and cycling in all its many aspects. Cycling UK Gainsborough, originally West Lincolncolshire Cyclist’s Touring Club, was one of the original clubs following the formation of the District Association (DA) formed in 1930 and it is rewarding to see this group still flourishing under Trevor’s stewardship.
In addition to co-organising weekly leisure rides, Trevor was involved with taking part and organising activities as part of Cycling UK’s Bike Week 2022 including a children’s even in the park, Dr Bike sessions and notably the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance Charity Ride. The 30 mile ride was particularly well supported. With monies from the event, donations and £500 coming from Gainsborough Cycles selling bikes donated by members of the public, Trevor was able to present a cheque of a magnificent £1050 to the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance in December 2022. Congratulations Trevor.
Not awarded. To be re-designated.
WEST LINCS TROPHY (Cycling UK Gainsborough)
The West Lincolnshire Trophy was awarded to Cycling UK Gainsborough and Gainsborough Aegir Cycling Club member Geoff Garner.
Independent adjudicator John Weeks chose Melanie Carroll's 'Grantham to Lodonthorpe Woods' entry as this year's winner. Melanie said "The thing I love about this picture is not just how much it represents a really good day's ride, not just the light through the trees and the shadows captured, but more importantly how many different types of bike and riders are represented in it...cycling is for everyone and this picture was a small way of capturing that thought, that joy, and that experience."
Photography Competition 2023

Cup winners Geoff Garner and Trevor Halstead