Including Cycling UK's Space For Cycling campaign
and Cycling UK's Local Cycle Campaigning Network
On this page you'll find issues that affect us as cyclists' right across the county.
Melanie Carroll is our Campaigns Officer and will be our 'Point Of Contact'.
You can download and read Melanie's latest 'Campaigns Officer's Report' (November 2019) HERE
We would ask that any and all our members to also write to the council or other agencies when they become aware of issues that may effect themselves or other cyclists, as well as letting us know. It is no longer enough for just the voice of Cycling UK Lincolnshire to speak out, to ensure that we are heard and our needs appreciated it also needs many individual letters because each letter counts. Gone are the days when a membership organisation letter counted for the many. Now they need many letters from individuals to really make them take notice.
The work continues on and again I'd ask all Members to be active campaigners for cycle provision and safety and keep an eye on any proposed changes in their areas. Let us know too anything that we should be aware of, be it an accident blackspot, a proposed change to roads or right of ways, a new building works or estate or any other issue that needs the needs of the bicycle rider being kept front and centre.
Melanie's written 'A quick guide to basic campaigning that everyone can do' and you can download and read the article HERE
For contact information within East Lindsey, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire,
you can download and read the article HERE
February 12th 2020
Government pledge £5bn over the next five years to improve bus and cycling services in England.
Following on from the promise by the government to spend £350 million on cycling to create 250 miles of new cycle paths outside London and to double rates of cycling by 2025, there has been much debate as to how much is actually needed to be invested. Cycling UK suggests a further £6-8bn is needed, as well as new design standards for infrastructure.
Cycling UK Lincolnshire's 'Right to Ride' Officer Melanie Carroll talked to Melvyn Prior on BBC Radio Lincolnshire's Melvyn in the Morning programme (BBC Sounds-BBC Radio Lincolnshire Melvyn in the Morning 12/02/20).
Listen to the broadcast HERE
(Her chat starts about 1 hour 11 minutes into the broadcast).
Report by Duncan Dollimore, Cycling UK Head of Campaigns
There’s billions here and billions there, but is it for buses or is it for bikes? And is it new money, or sound a bit funny? Is it Boris the Bike or a whole load of hype? Will it get people cycling and do what it ought, or be deeply frustrating and fall so far short?
Duncan Dollimore, Cycling UK Head of Campaigns explains:
"Cycling UK has been asking the Government to show us the money for cycling and walking for years, so you might expect me to be excited about the Prime Minister’s announcement on Tuesday. Five billion pounds of new funding to overhaul bus and cycle links for every region in England outside London. What’s not to like?
Millions to Billions - linking bikes to buses
Sadly, when it comes to money for active travel it pays to follow the figures not the headline. The warning bells rang when funding for buses and cycling were merged. I’m sure it’s been done before, but funding for active travel is usually referenced separately to the bus budget, because they’re different. Lumping them together is a great way to hide the truth with a bigger number!
I probably should point out that the announcement doesn’t actually reference funding for walking, but does say that dozens of new ‘Mini-Holland’ schemes “will be taken forward to transform town centres to make them safer to get around”, so we can only assume, unless or until there’s some clarification, that whatever slice of the £5 billion cake is earmarked for cycling is in reality the cycling and walking portion – but is it a sliver or a slab?
How much of the £5 billion would be spent on cycling was the question the Prime Minister was asked by Ruth Cadbury MP, co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Cycling and Walking (APPGCW), after he made his announcement to Parliament. His answer was “in the first stage, £350 million”.
Known knowns and known unknowns
Now as Donald Rumsfeld once said, there are known knowns and known unknowns. The £350 million slice of the cake for cycling is a known known, whether there’ll be anything after that is a known unknown. There could be, but unless and until the Government clarifies this, and makes a commitment, all I can say is that what was announced for cycling yesterday wasn’t £5 billion or a sizeable chunk of that, just £350 million from a five-year funding pot.
If that sounds a little harsh, and you’re wondering whether I should be patient and a little more trusting, and perhaps wait to see what follows in the March Budget or the anticipated Government Spending Review in the summer, I’d suggest that waiting for proper investment in active travel is like waiting for Godot. Nothing ever happens, so the abject failure to fund cycling and walking continues. I’m sick of waiting.
Half a mile for each constituency
Of course, £350 million sounds like a lot of money, but it isn’t in transport infrastructure terms. That’s clear from the reference in the announcement to building “over 250 miles of new, high-quality separated cycle routes”, which led Chelmsford MP Vicky Ford to press the Prime Minister for an assurance that Essex and the East wouldn’t miss out on new investment and infrastructure. He obliged, but nobody seems to have done the maths. With 460 parliamentary constituencies in England outside London, if Vicky’s constituency gets a fair share her constituents can expect 0.54 miles of new routes. Hardly an active travel network.
In contrast, Andy Burnham and Chris Boardman’s Bee Network plan for Greater Manchester involves a fully joined up cycling and walking network covering 1,800 miles. OK, they don’t yet have funding to deliver all of that, but 400 miles of it is either already being built or in development, whereas across the rest of England, as Chancellor Sajid Javid's response to Ben Bradshaw MP’s question on Tuesday laid bare, the Government’s current commitment is woefully inadequate, as “more than 250 miles” actually turns out to mean just 250 miles.
Working out exactly how much money has been spent on cycling and walking, and how much is being set aside for future spending, isn’t straightforward.
Smoke and mirrors
"Working out exactly how much money has been spent on cycling and walking, and how much is being set aside for future spending, isn’t straightforward. That’s partly because, as Ruth Cadbury explains in her blog on how to invest in cycling, much of the funding planned for active travel is merely an assumed proportion of an existing budget rather than funding directly from the Department for Transport (DfT) that’s ring-fenced for cycling and walking.
Consequently, Government estimates of future spending have to be looked at with a degree of caution, which is why we’ve been campaigning so hard for long-term funding that’s specifically set aside for local authorities to enable them to deliver their local cycling and walking infrastructure plans (LCWIPS), and doesn’t involve a competitive tendering process. Exactly what the evidence shows is needed.
So, I was cautious last Friday when the Government issued a press release suggesting that expected spending on cycling and walking from 2016 to 2021 had doubled to £2.4 billion. MPs without a full grasp of the figures or what’s been announced previously might readily conclude that it’s an increase, a big number, and therefore evidence that the Government is taking investment in active travel seriously. But headline figures can mask reality.
The truth is that we just don’t understand the £2.4 billion estimate. The Government had previously said the five-year investment figure to April 2021 would be just short of £2bn, with an annual average of around £390m per year. The inference is that another £400 million has been found, but it’s unclear whether that’s money it estimates has been spent in the last four years, but which hasn’t previously been accounted for as active travel spending, or whether this is new money it now thinks will be spent in the year from April 2020 onwards. If the latter, perhaps it's factoring in extra funding which local authorities have secured for cycling and walking from the Transforming Cities Fund, but that’s just a guess.
£350 million – and buses!
The truth is we just don’t know, and we couldn’t understand last week why, if the Government was suddenly planning to spend twice as much on cycling and walking next year than the average for the last four, it wasn’t trumpeting that clearly rather than obscuring the spending for 2020/21 in a five-year total figure. But, whilst we were working that one out, the Prime Minister jumped in announcing £5 billion for buses and cycling, which now looks like only £350 million specifically set aside for active travel.
I know, the Government has said that £5 billion, or whatever slice of it goes to cycling and walking, is new money, in addition to existing funding streams, but I don’t know what to add this to, because as I’ve already outlined, we don’t understand the estimates of future spending!
What we know for certain is that the only capital funding for active travel referred to within the Conservative manifesto last year was £350 million for a cycling infrastructure fund, which sounds suspiciously like the £350 million that wasn’t on the side of a bus, but which Boris Johnson confirmed is the cycling element of the £5 billion bus and cycling fund.
The report we aren’t allowed to see!
I couldn’t let some of the Government figures about estimated spending and funding for buses and cycling go unchallenged, but neither should we forget the big picture. At no level, with any of their funding proposals and however the cake is sliced, is the Government getting anywhere near the level of investment in active travel that’s needed to achieve its own Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) targets to double levels of cycling, and they know it.
Former Transport Minister Jesse Norman MP admitted this last year whilst giving evidence to the Transport Select Committee, candidly acknowledging that meeting the CWIS targets would require a doubling of investment, which he wanted to do and the Government ought to commit to. He was moved to a different Ministry a few weeks later.
It’s reasonable to conclude that Jesse Norman’s evidence was informed by the evidence gathered by Lynn Sloman from Transport for Quality of Life (TfQL), who was commissioned by the DfT to report on what needed to be done and the level of investment required for the Government to achieve its CWIS targets. We’d expected the TfQL report to be published before Lynn Sloman spoke at an APPGCW debate on active travel funding last April, but ten months on and despite numerous parliamentary questions asking when the Government intends to do so, the report has still not been published.
What we need - £6 to £8 billion
It’s not difficult to work out what the report is going to say. A week ago the Government put to Parliament its first report on progress made towards delivering the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, along with a host of reports, cases studies and evidence including the reports on the model of the impacts cycling and walking investment from TfQL’s research but without the TfQL report.
That said, the DfT’s own figures show that what’s needed is at least £6 billion more over the next five years, and for the avoidance of doubt, that’s at least £6 billion over and above the £2.4 billion estimated spending in the five years up to March 2021.
So, the Government knows that this is the level of investment needed, and in advance of the Budget on 11 March, Cycling UK and the Walking and Cycling Alliance explained to the Treasury why sustained, secure, long-term investment of between £6-8 billion over a five-year period is needed, putting an end to stop-start funding. We just need the Treasury to get on board and fund what the DfT is telling them is needed, and for someone in Government to allow the DfT to publish the TfQL report to end the smoke and mirrors and spell out clearly and in simple terms the type and level of investment needed to get more people moving more actively and achieve the CWIS targets.
Take action
If reading this makes you anywhere near as frustrated as I am about delay, and the failure to adequately fund something which is so clearly part of the answer to our various air pollution, climate, inactivity-related public health and congestion crises, then you can help and take action by contacting your MP in the run up to the budget on the 11 March.
There’s a danger that some MPs think that announcements over the last week mean that the Government’s got cycling and walking done and fixed the funding problem. Nothing could be further from the truth"
February 13th 2020
Cycle England - an update.
Back in November 2018, Cycling UK Lincolnshire was involved in a number of workshops following on from government funding
to create new bookable cycling packages in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, targeting the Dutch and German leisure holidaymakers. Working with tour operators the new packages have been launched over the last year. Tim Newbery interviewed Visit Lincoln's Hayley Toyne (Cycle England Project Manager) on February 13th 2020 and she gave an update on the project.
Although funding from 'phase one' has now finished, four new long distance cycle routes across Lincolnshire have been developed or are under development.
Historic Lincoln and Surrounding Area.
View and download published route HERE
Route 2.
Explore The Lincolnshire Coast (Humber to The Wash)
(Under development)
View and download proposed route HERE
Route 3.
Lincolnshire Wolds Cycle Routes
View and download published routes HERE
Route 4.
Belton to Stamford
(Under development, route to be presented to the trade at the end of February 2020)
Each route has a suggested itinerary of 4-5 days and two of the routes are currently being marketed to the Dutch and German tourists. Route 2 has yet to be confirmed and may undergo a few alterations. Route 4 is in the early stages of development.
It is hoped that funding for the second round will be available soon with the emphasis on targeting the UK visitor market.
The cycling holidays, which are due to launch in June 2020, have already secured hundreds of advanced accommodation bookings from travel giant TUI Holidays. The new cycling holidays were secured through Visit England’s Discover England Fund (DEF) programme in 2018.
“This is the first time that people can book a complete Lincolnshire cycling holiday online,” said Hayley Toyne from Visit Lincoln. “Four new cycling routes have been created which include the most scenic parts of Lincolnshire, as well as overnight accommodation, places to eat and experiences along the way. The bid to secure funding was extremely competitive, but we submitted a joint proposal with Welcome To Yorkshire and secured over £1 million to develop bookable packages that would become sustainable.”
Over the past 12 months Visit Lincoln and Welcome to Yorkshire have been marketing the new cycling holidays to travel agents by attending trade shows, delivering international marketing campaigns and PR. A familiarisation trip in Spring 2019 saw a travel representative from TUI Holidays come to Lincolnshire to test the routes out for themselves. This resulted in around 300 advance hotel room bookings.
Andrew Smith, Managing Director at the Ashbourne Hotel in North Killingholme said: “It’s just fantastic - from the beginning we wanted to be involved, and to see the bookings come through is reward for everyone’s hard work.
“To bring the package together we joined forces with Visit Lincoln, other hotels, food providers and attractions. By working together we have managed to deliver something that we could never have done on our own. It’s been good for our business and good for Lincolnshire. It’s a very exciting time.”
More information HERE and also Visit Lincoln
17th February 2020
Blueprint for improving travel and transport in Lincoln revealed
Reduced city centre traffic, better public transport and improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians are all part of the new vision for the future of transport in Lincoln.
Lincolnshire County Council, working in partnership with City of Lincoln Council, North Kesteven District Council and West Lindsey District Council, has drawn up a new strategy for Lincoln that aims to improve transport and support future development to 2036 and beyond.
The draft strategy is set to be reviewed by the county council’s Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee on Monday 9 March.
Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said: "One of the main goals behind Lincoln's new transport strategy is to offer a wider range of affordable, reliable and environmentally-friendly travel options for people to choose from when moving in and around the city.
"This will lead to more people using alternative forms of transport, resulting in less congestion and better air quality in the city centre, making Lincoln a more prosperous, attractive and healthier place to live, learn, work and visit."
Some of the proposals within the strategy include:
Completing Lincoln's ring road by constructing the North Hykeham Relief Road
Providing high-quality, traffic-free routes for pedestrians and cyclists
Improving the A46 to the north and west of Lincoln
Enhancing walking and cycling infrastructure within Lincoln
Creating 'mobility hubs' around the city that offer a range of transport options from a single location
Enhancing Lincoln’s historic core by improving the area around Broadgate and Wigford Way/St Mary's Street
Installing additional electrical charging points in and around the city to increase uptake in electric vehicles
Improving bus priority around the city via new bus lanes and new routes
Continue improving the area's rail service by increasing and adding new services to other urban areas
Cllr Davies continued: "This strategy provides a number of proposals for us, developers and planners to consider over the next fifteen years as we strive towards meeting growth targets for the area that include approximately 37,000 new dwellings and 12,000 new jobs up to 2036.
"Getting the North Hykeham Relief Road built as dual carriageway is a top priority, as it will help cut congestion, open up new development land and better connect the rest of the country to Lincolnshire’s coast.
"Another proposal in the strategy, probably one of our most ambitious, is to build a set of mobility hubs at key points outside the city.
"In essence, these would serve as an interchange for people travelling into Lincoln by offering alternative means of travelling into the city centre by car.
"For example, the hubs might include a city centre bus shuttle, electric-vehicle charging, Park & Bike, e-bike hire and delivery lockers.
“Combined with other measures, like improving bus and rail services, the strategy aims to ensure Lincoln has the infrastructure it needs to meet travel demands over the coming decades.
“The challenge now is finding the funding needed to make these improvements a reality. And the only way we’re going to be able to do that is if everyone gets behind the plan and works together.”
For more information or to view and dowload the strategy summary, visit
Published: 17th February 2020
February 20th 2020
North East Lincolnshire Council - Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan - UPDATE
Cycling UK Lincolnshire's Tim Newbery spoke with the Communities Scrutiny Panel to obtain the latest news on North East Lincolnshire Council's Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). They confirmed that they are continuing to monitor the progress and published a briefing on 15th November 2019. Although they are pleased with the progress, they confirmed that there's no record of the first draft having been presented for consultation.
The development of North East Lincolnshire Council's Local Transport Plan 2020 allows for the integration of the LCWIP into the wider transport policy. It was hoped that transport Officers would finalise the FIRST draft of the LCWIP soon after Christmas with the intention of undertaking internal and public consultation and engagement with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport, ahead of the FINAL draft report being considered by cabinet in March 2020. Senior Transport Officer Anthony Snell is the lead officer but was unavailable for comment.
View the Communities Scrutiny Panel Report November 2019 HERE
February 26th 2020
Drop In Meeting North East Lincolnshire Council, Cleethorpes Town Hall
Tim Newbery had an opportunity to discuss the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan with Cllr Stewart Swinburn: Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport North East Lincolnshire. Further from discussions with Anthony Snell back in November, Cllr Swinburn confirmed that discussions are ongoing. A budget of £3.4 million had been set for the Local Transport Plan 2020, £415,000 of which is destined for the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. This will hopefully be sanctioned by Cabinet on 11th March 2020, after which the DRAFT will be passed onto the Communities Scrutiny Panel. All being well, a period of public consultation will follow.
It was noted that public consultation on The Rights Of Way Improvement Plan has just started and remains open until Monday 1st June 2020.
Canal and River Trust - East Midlands Waterway Forum (North)
9th March 2020, Newark Town Hall.
Cycling UK Lincolnshire were invited to the annual Waterway Forum for the North of the East Midlands. The aim was to invite as many representatives from across the community as possible, from cycling groups, walking groups, boaters and local businesses.
It was an opportunity for the Canal and River Trust to discuss its priorities and promote the use of the network and improve the services on offer. The forum (North) covers the River Witham, Fosdyke Canal, Grantham Canal, River Trent and Upper Trent.
22 delegates had booked to attend the meeting, sadly only 5 were able to attend. It’s a shame those who couldn’t make it, failed to send their apologies. Representing CTC East Midlands and Cycling UK Lincolnshire was Tim Newbery, whilst Hugh McClintock represented ‘Pedals’: Nottingham Cycle Campaign.
There are almost 300 miles of canals, rivers and waterside routes across the East Midlands. “Adding water to your cycling routes makes all the difference” is a key slogan being promoted by the Canal and River Trust although it was highlighted that the core purpose of the trust is ‘care and maintenance’ which consumes the greater part of the budget and most of the volunteers time and effort.
There were presentations of the work that had been carried out during the past 12 months including the £12,000 spent on towpath improvements at Saxilby, facilities for Glamping at Foxton, access improvements to the towpaths in Nottingham City Centre and work being carried out to improve facilities in Loughborough.
Future projects will include improvements to car parking facilities at Torksey and Boston. It was noted that there are ongoing works to make access to the towpaths easier for bicycles and wheelchairs for example. The aim is to widen the metal barriers or remove them altogether in a similar manner to Sustrans on their network, to make the towpaths accessible to everyone.
The last hour of the meeting consisted of an ‘activity feedback’ open discussion session to revue what the Canal and River Trust is doing well, what can be improved and how to attract new users. It was agreed that better communication is required, via the website and social media outlets, especially to alert users of works being carried out on the waterways and towpaths and when closures or diversions had been set up. It was acknowledged that the towpaths are used by a diverse range of users each with their own needs and that all users should be respectful of each other. Common courtesy should prevail at all times. There was a perception from Boaters for example, that a minority of cyclists cycled at a dangerous speed, disregarding the safety of other users. Improved signage might alert and promote cyclists of alternative routes for ‘fast commuting’. On longer sections of towpath, there might also be better provision of places to rest and enjoy the water network. Benches and picnic tables could be installed at appropriate locations.
For further information, see:
Jo Grummet, Customer Service Manager, has agreed to be our point of contact:
East Midlands Address: The Kiln, Mather Road, Newark NG24 1FB
Mobile: 07826941916
Since the beginning of the Pandemic back in March 2020, there has been a significant change in how we see cycling as a sustainable means of transport across the UK, in addition to keeping up levels of fitness and for mental well being. Cycling UK has been leading and remains actively involved with numerous campaigns to be part of the 'sea change' in the use of the cycle (of all types and sizes).
9th May 2020
Grant Shapps, Secretary of State for Transport made an announcement on 9th May that alternative ways to travel, such as walking and cycling, could relieve the pressure on public transport.
£2 Billion Package to Create a New Era for Walking and Cycling
"Following unprecedented levels of walking and cycling across the UK during the pandemic, the plans will help encourage more people to choose alternatives to public transport when they need to travel, making healthier habits easier and helping make sure the road, bus and rail networks are ready to respond to future increases in demand.
The government will fund and work with local authorities across the country to help make it easier for people to use bikes to get around - including Greater Manchester, which wants to create 150 miles of protected cycle track, and Transport for London, which plans a “bike Tube” network above Underground lines."
Since then, there have been a number of schemes rolled out by Her Majesty's Government to encourage more walking and cycling.
29th May 2020
Department for Transport emergency active travel fund
The Government launched the emergency active travel fund in May 2020 to support more sustainable transport as part of the country's recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. Local authorities will be allocated funding in two phases:
To support the installation of temporary improvements and projects for the COVID-19 pandemic.
To create longer term projects.
Lincolnshire County Council was provisionally allocated £211,000 for phase one, and £842,000 for phase two: a total investment of just over £1 million. However, before receiving any funding, the council had to submit satisfactory plans to the Department for Transport. These plans were part of phase one. Phase two will take place at a later date.
Further details on the scheme – including the precise locations and nature of any changes to roads – will be released on the approval of the plans.
Lincolnshire County Council submitted plans to the Department for Transport for funding to make changes to town and city streets.
The changes predominantly focused on roads in Lincoln, Grantham, Boston, Spalding, Sleaford and Holbeach and include:
Creating temporary cycle lanes using bollards, planters or cones
Closing roads to vehicles to allow only pedestrians and cyclists
Widening or creating new pedestrian crossings to maximise space for people
Providing more cycle parking
Relocating parking or loading bays to provide extra space for walking and queuing in town and city centres.
The measures will initially be temporary to allow them to be implemented as quickly as possible. However, each intervention will be assessed and could be made permanent.
If the plans are approved by the Department for Transport (DfT), all the work will be completed within just two months.
Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways and transport, said:
"As Lincolnshire continues to open up again, we're laying out plans to use temporary measures in our urban areas to promote cycling and walking as an alternative to other modes of transport and to encourage sustainable travel.
"We've focussed our plans on the places where these measures will make the most difference: these are compact urban areas where cycling and walking are feasible alternatives to both public transport and driving.
"The measures will also support retail businesses in our town and city centres, creating space for customers to social distance and queue safely.
"We're working on cycling and walking plans for each of our larger towns and Lincoln, so we'll see the effects these temporary measures have and they will be factored into the plans and could well be made permanent.
"Over the past few months, we've seen a huge rise in the number of people walking and cycling. Whilst traffic remains below pre-lockdown levels, we're still seeing almost double the number of cyclists on the roads, according to data from the DfT.
"We want to help make it easier for people to keep those new cycling and walking habits; pop-up cycle lanes, traffic-free streets and more space will allow us to do that."
The Government launched the emergency active travel fund in May 2020 to support more sustainable transport as part of the country's recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. Local authorities will be allocated funding in two phases:
To support the installation of temporary improvements and projects for the COVID-19 pandemic.
To create longer term projects.
Lincolnshire County Council was provisionally allocated £211,000 for phase one, and £842,000 for phase two: a total investment of just over £1m. However, before receiving any funding, the council must submit satisfactory plans to the Department for Transport.
These plans are part of phase one. Phase two will take place at a later date.
Further details on the scheme – including the precise locations and nature of any changes to roads – will be released on the approval of the plans.
2nd July 2020
Emergency active travel fund: final and indicative allocations
Local Authorities allocation of the DfT funding (phase 1 only).
Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire obtained 50 percent, less than they had hoped for. North Lincolnshire obtained the full DfT allocation. Congratulations to North Lincolnshire.
Department for Transport emergency active travel fund: statement from Cllr Richard Davies
Cllr Richard Davies says he is disappointed in the DfT's decision, but that plans are being firmed up to develop the county's cycling infrastructure. Lincolnshire County Council had submitted plans to the Department for Transport for funding to make changes to our town and city streets as part of the emergency active travel fund. The council has been awarded 50 per cent of the £211,000 applied for.
Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said:
"It's disappointing that we've only been awarded half of the funding we applied for from the emergency active travel fund. The Department for Transport never revealed what criteria the bids would be assessed against, so councils were left to guess what specific boxes they would be expected to tick, and given very little notice to complete the online form.
"Looking at the funding allocations, it seems that once again rural authorities across the country have been dealt a worse hand than large towns and cities. However, we will still make the most of the £105,500 we have been given and we’re firming up our plans now. Spending this money in full and being able to indicate how we could have spent more will be a powerful message back to the DfT.
"We're putting a lot of consideration into improving our infrastructure and making sure it is useful. Temporary cycle lanes that just fizzle out leaving the cyclist to attempt to merge back into vehicle traffic are worse than nothing at all. We want to ensure our infrastructure is linked up.
"This DfT funding pot was for immediate, temporary changes – just a small part of the ambitious, multi-million pound plans we have for developing our cycling network. As well as pressing ahead with comprehensive cycling and walking plans for each of our towns, we're working with North and North East Lincolnshire councils on a Greater Lincolnshire cycling programme, and applying for the Get Building Fund held locally by the Greater Lincolnshire LEP.
"There is a second, larger round of emergency active travel funding later in the year – worth over £800,000 for Lincolnshire – and we're already working on our plans to make sure we secure as much funding as possible."
See Cycling UK's response HERE

10th JULY 2020
Emergency Active Travel Fund - invitation to bid for Tranche 2
The 2nd trance of the Emergency Active Travel Fund is now open. The money can be used to support temporary schemes and permanent schemes.
"Schemes that do not meaningfully alter the status quo on the road will not be funded" Bids must be submitted by
Friday 7 August.
Read the letter from the Department of Transport HERE

Following on from Cycling UK Lincolnshire's invitation to LNER's Stakeholder Conerence back in November 2019, we were invited to a 'webinar' to keep us updated on the modifications that LNER are developing with Hitachi to improve bike storage facilities on Azuma.
The virtual briefing took place on Friday 10 July from 2pm to 3pm and discussed the changes LNER are proposing to make to help cyclists using the services. These included:
1. Larger hooks and racks to hold a mountain bike or similar
2. Integration of a ramp and hook mechanism to make it easier to move each bike into position for storage
3. Removal of luggage shelves to create more room
The session was led by LNER's Engineering Director John Doughty who talked through the design and next steps. As well as images and videos of the modifications, John and his team answered a number of questions.
It was agreed that in hindsight 'horizontal' cycle storage would have been more beneficial than the current vertical storage scheme in the Azuma. However, the vertical storage in the cupboards as at present cannot now undergo a complete change, instead there would be modifications to make best use of the limited space. A mock-up of an updated design is undergoing testing although with Covid-19 and social distancing restrictions, trials are adding difficulties. Costs will be in the 100's of thousands of pounds and it may take 12 months to complete and implement appropriate alterations.
There is currently space for 4 cycles on most Azuma trains (2 each in 2 cupboards). Hooks will be modified to protrude at a larger distance from the wall giving scope to accommodate much larger wheel sizes. Luggage racks will also be removed to maximise the limited amount of space. To make it easier to lift the front wheel off the ground, ramps will also be installed. It was agreed that large bikes, e-bikes and tandems will still more difficult to accommodate. For tandems it's the height of the carriage roof (about 1.9 m) that dictates the limit; most tandems are 2.1-2.4 m long. To prevent movement in transit and any possible damage from bikes clashing together, secure strapping will also be installed.
There was much discussion (mostly from the female participants) that vertical storage in the present and updated cupboards would still make it almost impossible for some users to bring their cycles on board. This includes families, those with adapted bikes and cargo bikes. LNER said that there was an ability to expand storage in the future at the expense of bulk storage facilities and wheelchair space. It's all a balance. For those with disabilities, there would be additional support available (pre-booked). Indeed the whole process of booking bikes onto trains will be made easier (it was agreed that customer experience has to be improved in this aspect).
Cycling UK's Dave Holladay continues to work with LNER on the improvements to cycle storage in the new Azuma.
13th NOVEMBER 2020
The 2nd tranche of the Emergency Active Travel Fund - UPDATE
£175 million more for cycling and walking as research shows public support
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has on 13 November 2020 given councils across England a further £175 million to create safe space for cycling and walking as surveys and independent polls show strong public support for high-quality schemes.
The new money, part of the £2 billion announced for cycling and walking in May, will fund measures including:
‘School Streets’, where streets around schools are closed to motorists at school times
low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), where residential side streets are closed to through traffic to stop rat-running
segregated cycle lanes
pedestrian improvements
These will give people more opportunities to choose cycling and walking for their day-to-day journeys, as part of wider government plans to boost active travel.
However, the Transport Secretary has set tough new conditions on councils receiving funding, requiring them to ensure schemes are properly consulted on. This will help avoid the problems seen in a minority of the schemes developed in the first round of funding. If these conditions are not met by a council, the Transport Secretary has been clear that future funding allocations will be reduced and claw-backs could also be imposed.
The funding comes as a survey undertaken by Kantar Media last month reveals that 65% of people across England support reallocating road space to cycling and walking in their local area. Nearly 8 out of 10 people (78%) support measures to reduce road traffic in their neighbourhood.
In London, independent polling by Redfield & Wilton shows 19% of people oppose LTNs, 52% support them and 25% are neutral. Surveys are also being conducted of residents in individual LTNs where roads have been closed. The first of these, in south London, found 56% wanted to keep the scheme, against 38% who wanted to remove it.
The multi-million-pound investment marks another step towards the government’s ambition to deliver more active travel options in communities across the country and build back greener – benefitting the nation’s health and the environment.
Evaluation of early School Streets projects has shown traffic outside schools has reduced on average by 68%, children cycling to school has increased by 51% and harmful vehicle pollution outside schools is down by almost three quarters.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
We want to do everything we can to make it easy for people to include some activity in their daily routines – whether that’s cycling to work or walking safely to school.
We can see the public’s strong appetite for greener and more active travel, and this funding will help ensure the right infrastructure is in place to build truly active neighbourhoods.
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said:
It has been great to see so many people build cycling and walking into their daily travel habits. To support them, we know it’s vital to have the right infrastructure in place so everyone – cyclists, pedestrians and motorists – can use our roads.
Whether you’re walking, cycling, driving or using public transport, people must have the space they need to get around safely.
As part of the Transport Secretary’s plan to ensure councils develop schemes that work for their communities, he has set out they must:
publish plans to show how they will consult their communities, including residents, businesses and emergency services, among others
show evidence of appropriate consultation prior to schemes being implemented
submit monitoring reports on the implementation of schemes 6-12 months after their opening, highlighting how schemes have been modified based on local feedback to ensure they work for communities
Local authorities will be required to engage closely with the Department for Transport (DfT) throughout the process – while Active Travel England, when set up, will further assess plans for active travel schemes to ensure they are of the highest quality.
To help councils implement better schemes, updated guidance, which has also been released, emphasises the need for practical and pragmatic solutions.
Greater Manchester’s Cycling and Walking Commissioner Chris Boardman said:
Making it easier for people to get about on foot and by bike is the single best investment that councils can make because it doesn’t just address transport. Time and again, evidence shows that communities that prioritise cycling and walking enjoy major benefits – cleaner air, less congestion, improved health, and even a bigger average monthly spend at local shops and restaurants. Most importantly, it makes our streets happier places to be.
I wholeheartedly support the government’s continued funding of this crucial work. The emphasis on more consultation is welcome too, so that we can ensure the best solutions are put in the right locations. If we get this right, many of these pop-up routes and low-traffic neighbourhoods will become a permanent and valued part of people’s daily lives. The industrial revolution started in Great Britain; now we should lead the green revolution.
Councils will receive funding based on how well they have complied with the criteria set out by the Transport Secretary in July.
In a letter to council leaders outlining the new funding allocations, the Transport Secretary said that while most schemes were of genuine value in promoting cycling and walking, other schemes implemented through the first tranche of funding had made less meaningful change to the status quo.
Mr Shapps said he had in mind many of the pavement widenings put in town centres by many councils using barriers. These, he said, could “prevent pedestrians from crossing the road, cause congestion for buses and motor traffic, and impede access for kerbside businesses,” yet were also “relatively little used by pedestrians”.
The funding is part of the most ambitious plans yet by government to encourage even more people to choose active travel and build back greener.
Commitments from the plan include making cycle training available for every adult who wants it, setting new, higher standards for cycling infrastructure and boosting access to e-bikes.
As well as promoting active travel, the government is committed to ensuring all journeys are safe and reliable, including for motorists. As part of this, it is moving ahead with significant plans for road upgrades across the country.
£27.4 billion is being invested over the next 5 years through Highways England’s roads plan to ensure the road network is fit for the future and safe, reliable and efficient for drivers and businesses.
RAC’s head of roads policy Nicholas Lyes said:
Changing our towns and cities to make them more attractive places to walk and cycle around will have many positive benefits, but isn’t something that should be done without engaging all road users.
Local authorities often have a difficult balancing act between encouraging behaviour change, and not negatively affecting drivers and businesses, for whom vehicles are a necessity.
Ensuring local authorities consult on changes is not only an important step for greater buy-in from the public, but it also increases the chances of schemes being well-designed for the benefit of all road users and ultimately being successful in the longer term.
Active travel fund: final allocations
North Lincolnshire Tranche 1: £41,000 Tranche 2: £154,850
North East Lincolnshire Tranche 1: £42,000 Tranche 2: £319,200
Lincolnshire Tranche 1: £105,500 Tranche 2: £799,900
Final funding allocations for the local transport authorities of the active travel fund.The grant funding supports local transport authorities with producing cycling and walking facilities. The funding is in 2 tranches:
tranche 1 supports the installation of temporary projects for the COVID-19 pandemic
tranche 2 supports the creation of longer-term projects
The funding was announced by the Secretary of State on 23 May 2020 as part of the work to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
16th November 2020
Statement from LCC and Cllr Richard Davies:
The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced funding allocations for the second round of their active travel fund – with £799,900 on its way to Lincolnshire.
The funding is to be used to give people more opportunities to choose walking and cycling for their day-to-day journeys, to boost active travel and reduce traffic congestion.
The new money could fund measures including:
'School streets', where roads around schools are closed to motorists at school times
Low traffic neighbourhoods, where residential side streets are closed to through traffic to stop rat-running
Improvements to pedestrian environments
Segregated cycle lanes
Cllr Richard Davies, executive councillor for highways at Lincolnshire County Council, said:
"Through these two funding allocations, we're looking at an extra £900,000 to help further our plans to make walking and cycling easier in Lincolnshire.
"But the crucial thing is this cash won't just benefit walkers and cyclists. For every journey we can make active travel a viable option for, we'll take a car off the road, reducing congestion and pollution for all of us."
Research cited by the DfT found that nearly 8 out of ten (78 per cent) people in England supported measures to reduce traffic in their neighbourhoods. And it found that 65 per cent support reallocating road space for walking and cycling in their local area.
For this second tranche of the fund, the DfT have given councils more time to spend the money and implement schemes.
Cllr Davies continued:
"Without the restrictive timescales to spend the cash this time around, we're able to draw up plans with the communities they are for. We can consult on and amend plans with local people to ensure they have the most benefit to their communities, and get the biggest buy-in for the scheme.
"This is especially important when it comes to the idea of school streets and low traffic neighbourhoods, where we might be restricting through-traffic for all or part of the day. We've got the opportunity here to work with a school or a community that needs and wants these measures to help keep children safe or stop dangerous rat-running.
"We'd still welcome residents letting us know where they'd like to see new cycle lanes, widened paths, or road closures – they can submit their ideas to us through WidenMyPath."
You can submit your ideas for pavement widening, new cycleways or road closures online at The site allows you to pinpoint on a map where you'd like to see changes.
The second round of funding comes as data from fitness app Strava has revealed over 16,000 more cyclists took to Lincolnshire's roads in 2020, compared with 2019. The data also showed that more people are choosing to commute on their bikes in Lincolnshire, with around 2,000 more regular commutes logged through the app each month compared to last year.
In the first round of the active travel fund, Lincolnshire County Council received £105,500 and invested in new cycle parking across the county, pop-up cycle lanes in Lincoln, and the part-pedestrianisation of Horncastle Market Place.
"For the first round of funding we were very clear that all the schemes were temporary. They had to be because of the short timescales to put them in; if they work they'll stay and if they don't we can try something else. For the second round – worth almost eight times as much – we'll be drawing up firm plans with different local stakeholders, and making meaningful, sustainable changes from the off", Cllr Davies added.
Lincolnshire County Council will be publishing information about the schemes that form part of this second round of funding soon, including details how communities can get involved in shaping those plans.